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Wednesday, 25 February 2009

What's Wrong With C# 4.0's dynamic Keyword, and How I Think It Should Be Fixed

Update: Exactly what I want, already implemented, complete with caching of the call site. Also, Microsoft's Mads Torgersen responds to this suggestion here.

C# 4.0 proposes to add the dynamic keyword to the language. There are a few problems with it:

  1. Beginners have no clue what the difference is between object, var and dynamic. This is a relatively minor problem compared to the others, but it's worth considering.
  2. The dependency of a program on specific features of a dynamic object are not captured in a central definition, defeating the type system. I'll explain this a bit better below.
  3. There's no intellisense support (this is really the same thing as point 2, but it's so important that it's worth highlighting on its own).
  4. New language features are an unnecessary pain if you can meet the same need with a library feature - and I believe you can do a better job with a library feature in this case.

In a nutshell, I sincerely hope that dynamic is removed from C# 4.0. In its place, there should be a static class in a namespace System.Dynamic. It would have one method, an extension on object:

public static TInterface AsDynamic<TInterface>(this object obj)
      where TInterface : class

This would take any object at all and return a dynamic wrapper that implements the specified interface by forwarding calls onto the wrapped object. The wrinkle here is that TInterface really should be an interface but there's no way of constraining to that (now there's a language feature I'd accept quite happily).

Now in order to make use of a dynamic object (that is, an object whose type is unknown to me) I simply declare the features I require of that object, in an ordinary interface. Whenever I receive such an object, I wrap it with that interface as soon as possible, and use that interface to refer to it thereafter.

What's so great about this? Suppose my dynamic object is a frog. So first I declare an interface IFrog:

public interface IFrog
   void Ribbit();

This states in a single location what features a dynamic frog must have.

Now I can make the majority of my code use this interface to refer to frogs. At the "dynamic boundary" where I receive weird objects from the outside world, I immediately convert them to IFrog so the rest of my code can use them:

IFrog f = something.AsDynamic<IFrog>();

This doesn't change the dynamic nature of what is happening. Exactly the same kind of method resolution now has to happen at runtime, and no capability has been lost compared to the present dynamic keyword design.

But there are big advantages. Firstly, users don't need to understand a new keyword that clashes conceptually with two other things. Secondly, what if the dynamic system that passes me frogs changes the way it works, so now it expects an argument to be passed to Ribbit? No problem for me. I just update my interface:

public interface IFrog
   void Ribbit(bool loudly);

Now when I recompile, the C# compiler will find all the places in my code where I need to provide the new argument. The lesson here is that all languages (whether statically or dynamically typed) end up having these kinds of contracts or dependencies on the features of objects. The advantage of static languages is that it pays to declare those contracts centrally, so you can update them more easily.

Then there's the intellisense - obviously this works as usual with IFrog. It doesn't work at all with the current C# 4.0 design.

Finally, this would be a library feature. It would be available in a consistent way from C#, VB, F#, Eiffel, and so on. It's also very optional - if you don't want to see the AsDynamic extension appearing on every class, then don't add using System.Dynamic to your source file.

Also I may as well point out that it would be easy to instantly find all uses of dynamic type conversion within a solution, by simply finding all references to the AsDynamic method. So no need for a new IDE feature there.

This solution contains the dynamic stuff rather than spreading it around. It strikes me as being far more in the spirit of C# as a statically typed language designed for large-scale development. Yes, the dynamic keyword makes short examples look cool on the page. But it doesn't make them fun to write in the first place (no intellisense), or to maintain (no central type definition).

How about it, Microsoft?


Unknown said...

This sounds really good actually. I would love to see this as well frankly.

The only thing I would add to this though is that it lacks the capability to dynamically add and remove members. One interesting things with the dynamic keyword is the IDynamicObject interface which might let you do something like:

dynamic d = blah();
d.Foo = new Func<int, bool>( i => return i > 100);
bool b = d.Foo(10);

I think with casting to a strong interface will cause you to lose this feature, which is really a major point of dynamism.

Also with an example such as navigating an XML document elements and attributes with dynamic disptach (where you're calling dynamic members and using the IDynamicObject to find the elements and attributes in the XML) You would have to create some truly gnarly throw away interfaces just to get it to work. It would probably still work for this case, but it would be frustrating.

Unknown said...

Actually now that I think about it more you could just as easily add a Foo of type Func to your interface... so maybe that isn't an issue.