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Friday, 22 May 2009

VC++16 has decltype in Beta 1 (so Linq to C++0x looks a little nicer)

This post has moved to my new(er) blog and can be found here: http://smellegantcode.wordpress.com/2009/05/22/vc16-has-decltype-in-beta-1-so-linq-to-c0x-looks-a-little-nicer/

A while ago I wrote up a little demo of using lambdas to implement convenient lazy list comprehension in C++0x, but at the time the VC++ compiler I was using lacked decltype, and I found a need for it.

I just tried out the Beta 1 that was released this week, and it has decltype, so here's the updated sample:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>

// Some helpers for working with decltype 
// (maybe these are in std:: somewhere?)
template <class T>
T *make_ptr() { return (T *)0; }

template <class T>
const T &make_ref() { return *(make_ptr<T>()); }

// so you don't need to obtain boost::lexical_cast!
template <class T>
std::string to_string(const T &v)
    std::ostringstream s;
    s << v;
    return s.str();

// Unary function that always returns true
template <class T>
struct always_true
    bool operator() (const T &) const { return true; }

// Unary function that returns its argument
template <class T>
struct pass_thru
    T operator() (const T &e) const { return e; }

template <class TElemFrom, 
          class TElemTo, 
          class TIterFrom, 
          class TSelector,
          class TPredicate>
class filter
    TIterFrom from_;
    TIterFrom end_;
    const TSelector &selector_;
    const TPredicate &predicate_;

    filter(TIterFrom from, TIterFrom end, 
             const TSelector &selector, 
             const TPredicate &predicate)
        : from_(from), end_(end), 
          predicate_(predicate) {}

    class const_iterator
        TIterFrom from_;
        TIterFrom end_;
        const TSelector &selector_;
        const TPredicate &predicate_;

        void locate()
            while (!done())
                if (predicate_(*from_))


        bool done() const { return (from_ == end_); }

        const_iterator(TIterFrom from, TIterFrom end, 
                       const TSelector &selector,
                       const TPredicate &predicate)
            : from_(from), end_(end), 
              predicate_(predicate) { locate(); }

        TElemTo operator*() const { return selector_(*from_); }

        const_iterator operator++()
            return *this;

        bool operator==(const const_iterator &other) const
            { return done() && other.done(); }

        bool operator!=(const const_iterator &other) const
            { return !done() || !other.done(); }

    typedef TElemFrom value_type;

    const_iterator begin() const 
        { return const_iterator(from_, end_, selector_, predicate_); }

    const_iterator end() const 
        { return const_iterator(end_, end_, selector_, predicate_); }

    template <class TSelector>
             always_true<TElemTo> >
        select(const TSelector &selector)
        return filter<TElemTo, 
                      always_true<TElemTo> >

    template <class TPredicate>
        where(const TPredicate &predicate)
        return filter<TElemTo, 

template <class TCollFrom>
filter<typename TCollFrom::value_type, 
         typename TCollFrom::value_type,
         typename TCollFrom::const_iterator, 
         pass_thru<typename TCollFrom::value_type>,
         always_true<typename TCollFrom::value_type> >
    from(const TCollFrom &from)
    return filter<typename TCollFrom::value_type, 
                    typename TCollFrom::value_type, 
                    typename TCollFrom::const_iterator, 
                    pass_thru<typename TCollFrom::value_type>, 
                    always_true<typename TCollFrom::value_type> >
                 pass_thru<typename TCollFrom::value_type>(), 
                 always_true<typename TCollFrom::value_type>());

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    std::vector<int> vecInts;

    auto filtered = from(vecInts)
        .where([] (int n) { return n > 3; })
        .select([] (int n) { return "\"" + to_string(n) + "\""; });

    for (auto i = filtered.begin(); i != filtered.end(); ++i)
        std::cout << *i << std::endl;

    return 0;

The main function is the pay-off, of course. I have a vector of ints, and I wrap it something that ends up stored in a variable called filtered, which I can then iterate through. The filtering (discarding anything not greater than 3) and transforming (int to quoted string) of the items happens on-the-fly during that iteration.

(And to clarify, this is different from the last time I posted it because select no longer requires any type parameters to be explicitly given - thanks to decltype).

Thursday, 14 May 2009


If you want your application to be able to recover from a crash, it would NOT be ideal for it to restore the exact state it was in immediately before the crash, because then it would just crash again.

(Same goes for economies, presumably).

Monday, 11 May 2009

When to use Stored Procedures?

No coding blog would be complete without an overly-simplistic salvo fired into this bloody online battlefield, so here's mine.

What if you're writing an application that will make heavy use of an RDBMS?

If you're writing an packaged app for sale to customers who want to run it on the RDBMS of their choice, don't use stored procedures.

But what if you're writing something bespoke?

Maybe you've never in practice had to change RDBMS in mid-project. But maybe that's because you automatically ruled it out as an impossibility - how do you know what advantages you might have had, what client license bundle offers you could have benefitted from, if you maintained the ability to switch RDBMS vendors on a whim? Competition pressure is what keeps vendors competitive, and competition pressure disappears if customers lose the ability to switch. The vendors know this, which is why they want to lock you in. So if you want to be able to get the best deal out of RDBMS vendors, don't use stored procedures.

But what if you want to have a layered architecture?

Adding more languages doesn't enable more layers. It just adds more development cost. You can write a data access abstraction layer in any language - and in Java and .NET, open source toolkits like [n]Hibernate already make this child's play, largely eliminating the need to generate your own SQL strings or DDL.

If you want to reduce development costs by keeping the number of language skills required to maintain an app lower, by writing all business logic and data layer logic in one language, don't use stored procedures.

But what if you're prepared to take on extra cost because you want to optimise by moving execution into the RDBMS?

If you haven't yet done any comparative profiling to establish where such optimisation is really needed or makes any measurable difference, don't use stored procedures.

... otherwise, knock yourself out!